6 Mistakes You Should Stop for High Ranking Website

How is my website ranking? How can I check my website ranking on Google? How can I increase website ranking? If these are your questions, then you are on the right page. Today, we are going to talk about such issues. Let's get started.

If we talk in percentage, about 91% of the content is striving for traffic from Google. Approximately 1 out of 10 pages get any of the traffic entirely. If your website holds a space among the remaining 9% that always be the hovering spots for the traffic then it’s just awesome and is best for you.

But, according to another face of the scenario, if you are the part of that 91% that are still in wait of being crowded, then it’s the time to fret. You might be making those 6 mistakes about which we are going to discuss today in this article.

Stop The Following 6 Mistakes & Get Your Website Rank Higher

Let’s just scatter down 6 reasons below that are hiding behind the lower ranking websites.

1. Your Page Doesn’t Hold Enough Search Traffic Potential & Not Targeting The Topic

Even if we are holding 200 and more referring domains to any offered web pages, and still are not targeting the keywords with sufficient search traffic potential, then we will again fail to get website ranking traffic. We can make some, but it would not be adequate.

What we have to do is, perform website ranking keyword research first. We can go for any keyword search tools, such as Ubersuggest, where we will get entire detail, relevant to the keyword we are searching like, ranking status, volume, and more.

 2. We Don’t Hold HTTPS as Enable

Yes, you would be right if you say that HTTPS is optional. But, hey! It’s not anymore. If we want our website to rank higher, then we need to use HTTPS that is much standard nowadays, when it comes to SEO.

3. Our web page has No Backlinks

Through various studies, it has been exposed that backlink is the correlated factor for the success of SEO. This indicates that higher the backlinks will be, the more will be chances for organic search traffic.

This doesn’t mean that you should become more dedicated to finding out how to stretch to get the backlinks. Even your amazing content, good product and services, awesome tools, and more will generate backlinks naturally for you.

Ahead, you are going to witness your website generating backlinks, in general, of all your web pages, embracing the blog content, that will soon get flooded with more search traffic and will rank high.

4. When You are Not Leveraging H₁ Tag, Meta Tags, and Title Tags to Insert Target Keywords

There exist a strong correlation between keywords and Title and H₁ tag and ranking. This indeed makes sense. When we are searching for a term and it’s there in the listing, resultantly we are anticipated to get a click whereas, when we need to search that term or that keyword in any of the listing. Now, notice that Google’s pulling is from that title tag that we put on our website.

So, this indicates that if we put keywords in our title tag, meta description, and h1 tag and also all through the web page, we are more expected to rank.

 5. Not Taking Advantage of Search Snippets

Most of the studies point that search snippets can be found as approximately 75%  among the top places in the search for high-volume keywords that are more than enough. Among those traits, snippets cover 20% of all the outcomes.

If we are failing to leverage things such as FAQs Schema Markup, then we are missing huge traffic. By leveraging the schema markup we are likely to rank high.

6. We are scoring bad, on Google’s Lighthouse Audit

Although, this may not ensure good ranking over 90% of the pages, on the page “one” of Google, holding a high average score on Lighthouse audit. It’s not like you should go mad and optimize for each millisecond as per your capacity.

Well, to raise your score, you can simply jump on to Ubersuggest, type your site’s URL and then tap on the “site audit report”. Further, it will break the speed of your web page and pull it from Google’s Lighthouse.

So, one page holds the caliber to offer the entire information of your page speed and locate the spots that need improvement.

Our priority should be the user experience. But if we fail to deliver outstanding load times on our website, it’s not going to be fruitful anymore, as people after reaching your web page, people will bounce anywhere else. Further, this is going to send Google, a User Metric Signal” which will convey that the page is including something wrong, it’s not good. Google just takes it wholly, whether it was related to Content, On-Page SEO, load time or anything else.

Just keep in mind that if the user is happy with our web page, we are going to do well and will attain our business goals effectively.