Adsense Approval for beginners in 1 day 2020 Guaranteed.

Adsense approval is must for the beginners who want to earn from their blogs and websites. I also started by blog but i was not able to write much from my blog. Some are used to write often some are not. So today i will give you my personal guaranteed tip which i have used and got adsense approval in a day with buying a Custom domain So let start.

Adsense Approval for beginners

Basic step to start a blog or a website (For Beginner's)

*First step to Select the niche you want to write or start a blog
*second select the platform you want to write or start a blog ie Blogger or Word press
*I suggest beginners to start with Blogger because its very easy and very catch to understand.
*Then in blogger select your title and Your Sub domains.
*Then start writing  the articles.

And now the point is Which topic to select or niche to select. Now i will give you 5 niche in which you can create a website and can get adsence approval easily with proof. Important point to cover for all beginners adsence will never ever approve if your content is copied or translated to Hindi to English or vice versa. Google adsence team is now very smart in this but worry the niche that i will share with you will be same and it will not be considered as copied content.

Song website:
Song is the second most niche to be searched according to the readings. Song website download is the second best niche to work with and get easy adsence approval. I have also worked in this niche and got success. "Bonus tip"- work on sub niche like Punjabi songs Trust me you will Get Amazing traffic. You can search on google adwords and also punjabi song results and will get low competition also.

Job Portal websites:
The job portal website are the 2 most search websites in India. Now in this niche the content will be same and just you have to post referring a website. IMP: Dont copy the content just copy the Vacancy part or the main Section.

Lyrics website:
The most trending and most search website in India is Lyrics website. This is one of the best website to come in and work with for getting adsence approval in one single day.I suggest to work in two website like song and lyrics website because the one who visit your song website
you can add a link of your lyrics website for them and vice versa.

Railway Train Time Table : The railway train schedule is has the more traffic in keywords if you sreach for pnr status, train time table will get shocking results The traffic for pnr status is 1m -10m and for train time table is 10k-100k which is very good and their competition is very low.
You can get ranking easily and also yo can get adsence approval easily and also the schedule will be same.

Pin code website: Pincode are serched by every one and it results is very good,the result for pincode website is 10k-100k which is nice for a beginners and also the pincode will be same for all area.So you ca easily work on a pincode code website and get easy approval. And the competition is very low according to google keyword planner result.

So that's all hope my reading will help you to the must..