Get more Instagram followers the 5 best strategies for 2020

Get Instagram followers 2020

Make the great first impression with your Instagram profile

Your Instagram profile is the first thing your potential followers look at. This is your personal business card or the showcase of your business.
People decide here within seconds whether they want to follow your Instagram account or not. And you can only make a good first impression once. 
Get more Instagram followers  the 5 best strategies for 2020

The three most important elements that build the appearance of your Instagram profile are:
·         Your Instagram profile picture
·         Your Instagram name
·         Your Instagram bio

Your Instagram picture

This picture represents you or your brand. So it's either a picture of yourself or your brand's logo. But unless you're already an established brand (like Nike or Starbucks), in most cases, it's better to choose a personal profile picture.
Why? For a very simple reason:
"People like people."

Preferably those that they can look into the eyes. Because that builds trust. And those who laugh. Because laughter breaks the first ice. Even on photos. 

We can simply identify better with other people than with a logo. However, you know best what speaks for you and/or your brand the most! And whether you choose a personal photo or a logo, you should always pay attention to the following when creating your Instagram profile picture:
·         that the image of the style and motif fits the theme of your Instagram account
·         that the picture shows you and/or your brand in good light
·         that the picture triggers positive emotions
Here are a few more details on how to create your perfect Instagram profile picture.
Your Instagram name

What should your Instagram name be?

·         easy to pronounce
·         easy to notice
·         meaningful
So the first question you should ask yourself is:
"Who are you? What do you do?"
Do you act as a person or as a fire? What is the topic of your Instagram account?
However, if you are not sure or all of your name ideas are already filled, you will find clear instructions and well-tried tips for choosing your Instagram name here.
Your Instagram bio
The goal is to tell people who you are and what you do. But more importantly, your Instagram bio says very clearly:
“What do your (potential) followers get from you?” 
People are now selfish and will only follow you if they have something of it themselves. Whether it is an inspiration in the form of beautiful travel pictures, daily motivation through your own endurance during fitness training, information about the latest fashion & beauty trends or something else ... you have to decide that yourself.
However, this benefit is one of the most important decision criteria for people whether they will follow you on Instagram or not.
And this decision is made very quickly ...
It is therefore essential that the benefit is clearly in your Instagram bio! In addition to your meaningful content on your Instagram feed, of course ... But we'll get to that in a moment. 
All tips & tricks for an appealing Instagram Bio can be found here.

2. Deliver true added value to your followers

The ultimate goal of your Instagram account is to add value to your followers. It's not about you, it's about your followers. It's about what they get from you.
So if you want to get  Instagram followers UK, you must also focus on your own followers. This is exactly what distinguishes successful Instagram accounts with many followers from those with few followers.
And that is also one of the biggest challenges in building a successful Instagram account.
Because how to do you manage to put your followers at the center of your benefit with pictures of yourself or your products?
What do you give your followers?
Every picture you make, every story you post and every video you produce ... always ask yourself the question:
“What do you want to give your followers with this piece of content?”
Is it:
·         inspiration
·         motivation
·         entertainment
·         information
·         Contest
·         Voucher
·         ...
All of your pictures and videos carry a certain message to your followers. All are directed to your followers to:
·         answer their questions
·         to solve their problems
·         to meet their needs.
What do your followers want?
First of all, clearly define the topic (the niche) of your Instagram account. And then think about which people you want and can you address this topic? Whose problems do you solve and whose needs do you meet with your offer? In short, who is your target group?
You can (and should even) ask a lot of your followers yourself. And Instagram offers you many options for this. You can ask your questions:
·         in the description of the pictures,
·         as text on the pictures themselves,
·         in the stories,
·         in the videos.
First, people like to be involved in the processes. When you ask others for their opinion, problems, or needs, you automatically give them meaning in your project. You tell them that they are important. And everyone may feel important and meaningful. 
Second, you will get the first-hand experience of what your followers need and want. And so you can give them exactly that. A win-win situation! 
3. Produce outstanding and desired content
If you know what your followers want and what you can give them accordingly, content production is also a lot easier.
However, in order for your message to be well-received, it must be designed appropriately. Outstanding content is the be-all and end-all for more followers on Instagram.

Only post high-quality content

You will not even be able to successfully sell the best product unless you can present it accordingly. And it's the same with your content on Instagram.
Your important message and the great benefit that you have prepared for your fans will only reach them if you can present them appropriately.
You will only inspire your existing followers and get many new Instagram followers with content and visually moving images and videos.
Here you will find the most important (and simple) rules for taking beautiful Instagram pictures
Use all content options
You can now post different types of content on Instagram:
·         Images  (for your Instagram feed)
·         Videos (up to 1 min for your Instagram feed)
·         Stories  (15-second stories in the form of pictures and videos)
·         Live videos (for current updates)
·         IGTV (videos up to 10 minutes long)
The more you use it, the more people will see your content. And of course, that increases your chances of more Instagram subscribers.
Be reliable
To build a dedicated fan base, you should also post your pictures and videos regularly.
On the one hand, it builds trust and a positive bond between your followers and you. They know that they can rely on you to get a lot of good content on a regular basis.
And the Instagram algorithm also rewards you for it. If you post regularly and not infrequently, your content will also be proposed to new users who can become your followers.
Stay authentic
Social media brings people closer together. And that is exactly what makes these channels so successful!
The days of intangible rock stars and distant celebrities are over.
Now people trust more people in whom lives they have real insight. People who are tangible for them and who have their ups and downs ... just like you and me.
So instead of pretending and playing something that you are not ... Just be yourself and:
"Give your best. With what you have now, where you are and within the scope of the options that are available to you today. "

My best hope this article will help you, How you can get more Instagram followers in 2020.

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