How Google Adsense for Youtube is Different From That for Website | YPP Account Signup

After getting your website full of webpages and lots of traffic or for youtube if you have fulfilled the minimum criteria of 1k subs. and 4k watch hours, its the time to show ads through google adsense program.

Let us first know little about how adsense works. Wenever you visit a site or watch a youtube video, you see ads running on it in different formats like image format, text format and video format. When visitors see these ads or even sometime click on it, the creator of the site or video get paid on the basis of either Cost Per Impression (CPM) or Cost Per Click (CPC) respectively.
These ads served by google are sponsored by the advertisers who want to advertise their products or services. The part of the money which the advertisers pay is cut by google as their income and rest is paid to the creators. Roughly this is 65 percent. You can create your own ads by going on the google site.
But what is the difference between adsense for youtube and adsense for websites and blogs? Well both is adsense and is same except in terms of few customisation and applying procedure.

Key Difference

Well a website is totally your property, So apart from adsense, you can get ads from other ads networks. or even you can use multiple ads network on the same site. One of the substitute of google adsense is While youtube is google's property. So you can't get ads from other networks. Google adsense serves ads for youtube videos.

For a website you can customise the ads layouts and number of places where you want the ads to show. You can choose the percentage of ads visibility when the CPM is high. While in youtube these customisations are absent or very few.

For a website you you have to create a google adsense account, submit your site there and get verified. After verification you have to paste the ads codes in every webpges and every section of your site where you want the ads to show. While for youtube you have to apply for Youtube Partner Program (YPP) from monetisation option in youtube.  After verifications your ads will automatically served in your videos. You have to link your existing or new created adsense account with youtube to get paid in that.

Website ads also generate relatively more revenue than that of youtube. For website ads you get paid about 65 to 68 percent of your earning while for youtube it is about 63 percent.

Want to create google adsense account click

Eligibility For Youtube Partner Program (YPP)

  1. You need to have 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel
  2. Your videos have generated 4,000 Watch Time hours over the last 12 months
  3. You comply with all YouTube's policies and guidelines
  4. You have an AdSense account set up.

Signup For YPP

1. Sign in to YouTube.

2. In the top right, click your profile picture > YouTube Studio.

3. In the left menu, click Monetization.

4. If you’re under the threshold, click Notify me when I’m eligible to get an email when you’ve reached 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months. If you meet the threshold, click Start on the “Review Partner Program terms” card. 

Once you’ve signed the term, youtube will mark this step with a green “Done” sign on the “Review Partner Program terms” card.

Connecting With Adsense

1. Click Start on the “Sign up for Google AdSense” card.

2. If you already have an AdSense account, use the one that's already approved. You can link as many of your channels as you want to a single AdSense account.

3. If you don't have an AdSense account, you can create one by following the on-screen instructions..

Once you’ve connected your AdSense, youtube will mark this step with a green “Done” sign on the “Sign up for Google AdSense” card.