How to Make Money Blogging (Step by step guide for 2020)

Make Money Blogging Step by step guide for 2020

Yes, you can do it, but when, how to start Blogging and make money?
It doesn't matter if you are not a great writer or you don’t think you have anything to say. What really matters is that you are willing to learn and put effort into it.
  • How to start blogging and make money?
  • Types of blogs that make money?
  • The best blogging platform to make money?
  • Best way to start blogging and make money?
  • How to earn money beginners with blogging?
These are some of the common questions, new bloggers ask them self when they are looking to start blogging.

How to Start a Blog That Generates $1000 a Month in 2020

  1. If you are looking to become a successful blogger and earn money with your blogs, then the number one thing you should have to do is JUST GET STARTED BLOGGING. Start a blog today with secure hosting.
  2. If you want to become a successful blogger, then the second thing you should be consistent with blog posting regularly. You don’t need to blog for 8 hours a day. Put a little more time upfront as you learn new things. But after you reach a comfortable position, you can realistically run a successful blog for around 20 hours a week.
How much money you can make depends on these factors such as:
It totally depends on so many factors, but in reality, it is possible to make a huge income from blogging. If you follow the right strategies, then making huge money with your blogs is definitely possible.
  • Types of niche you are picking.
  • What is the traffic you drive to your blog post.
  • SEO and content optimization of your blog.
  • Digital marketing efforts that you put in.
Various money making streams bloggers use in 2020:
  • Google AdSense
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling your own products
  • Freelance content creation
  • Online Teaching courses
  • Making money with sponsored posts (AdSense alternatives)
1. How much money you can expect from AdSense as a new blogger:
AdSense earning completely depends on CPC. Google CPC starts from $0.01 to $50, if your CPC is high & you have moderate traffic you can earn up to $50 or even more. If your CPC is low but you have high traffic you’re earning would be less. So you have to find out keywords that have a high CPC for earning more.

What is CPC and High CPC Keywords

AdSense earning completely depends on CPC. Google CPC starts from $0.01 to $50, if your CPC is high & you have moderate traffic you can earn up to $50 or even more. If your CPC is low but you have high traffic you’re earning would be less. So you have to find out keywords that have a high CPC for earning more.

What is CPC and High CPC Keywords

CPC short form is Cost per Click and it is widely used in advertising or online marketing. CPC defines how much revenue a or blogger webmaster receives each time a visitor clicks an advertisement image on a website.
For example, bloggers place text or image-based ads on their website. When a user clicks one of the advertisements, the user will be redirected to the advertiser’s website. Each and every click is recorded by the advertiser’s tracking system by Google and the blogger is getting paid by the publisher a certain amount based on the google CPC.

2. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is nothing but Make Money by Helping Other People (marketing other vendors through affiliate links)

Most popular Affiliate marketing marketplace:
• Amazon Affiliate program
• Wallmart Affiliate program
• Flipkart Affiliate program

3. Selling your own products
It is just the right amount of oxygen every need for survival in online ventures. Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat are the best ways of selling your valuable products online.
Facebook is the wonderful master media for uplifting sales. Core as well cross audiences can be easily targeted on this platform. Facebook comprises two unique features: one is Pages and another one is Groups.
Instagram is the hub of different types of businesses. Be it jewelry or super trendy dresses or even first copies it’s all sold here. Instagram, does not allow businesses to do, but sellers do so by making complete use of their separate business profile or personal profile without claiming it.

4. How to become a freelance content writer and start earning money
Freelancing in this online world is not really difficult, in fact, the internet has made it so easy and convenient that, anyone can easily reach billions of people & find your clients among them. Specifically, if we are talking about freelance content writing, it is the most people chosen field for freelancing.
To become a freelance content writer & start earning but you have to follow these steps
• Start with freelancing platforms like Fiverr, freelancer, Up work, etc.
• Build your profile
• Deliver work on time
• Showcase your writing samples
• Exhibit authenticity
• Regulate pricing wisely
• Get a self-hosted Wordpress website
• Fill it up with high-quality content, preferably in the niche that you looking to target as a content writer
• Also, fill your social media accounts with the content
• Start writing continuously blogs and post on LinkedIn
If you continuously do this, within weeks you will get your very first client.

4. Online teaching courses:  We all need a good teacher to teach new things, we can grow our knowledge & do something better. Today the tutor has also become modern and also they have picked this profession as a part-time job. The good thing is you can earn as much you want. Now everyone is moving towards an online tutor because they don't have to travel anywhere. Some of the companies are working in this sector & they are teaching foreign as well as Indian students also. The salary is good so people are moving towards online tutor jobs.

5. Making money with sponsored posts
 Create a blog from any free platform like WordPress, blogger,…etc and write good quality content with related specific keywords and images in alt tags.
Get ads on your blog. For this, you should go to the highest paying PPC websites, like AdsPact, eLeavers, StudAds,…etc. Not only these, but there are also many PPC sites, you can search on the internet. you can start earning from these AdSense alternative advertising networks.
They are paying 80% of the share of their total sales revenue to their blogger. So you need to sign up as a blog publisher at Alternative of Google AdSense and get ad script from a dashboard under Integration Tools and add the script in your Website.
Generate ad code and copy the javascript. Now paste it to your website wherever you want it to show ads.
You will get paid on each click to your ads. The minimum payout is only $10 & so you can earn here very fast. You need to work on getting traffic. Share the blog on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, etc
The faster your earnings will be when more will be traffic. Payment will be transferred to your account via PayPal. when it reaches up to the threshold amount.

Have you heard about Niche Blogging? And how to make money from Niche Blogging? All these questions might have been wandering in your head. Niche blogging is the blog where you post about one topic. That topic might be anything that you very much feel comfortable to choose. But always keep in mind choose the one, you know the most.

What is Niche Blogging?
In short words, the niche is nothing but the topic of your blog. Demonstration of making a blog with the particular aim of utilizing it to market to a specific Niche showcase. Niche online journals may interest a claim to fame industry or age gatherings, or some other specific gathering of people, geographic regions, ethnic. Don’t go after topics or niches that you think will make a huge amount of money. Make sure of a topic you are so interested in. You don’t need to be knowledgeable about it. You can learn later also, But the most interesting part is you have to be interested in it.

We suggest some of the blog niches that you can select for your blogging.
Food Niche:
Food Discovery
Restaurant Reviews
Food Photography / Food Videography
Food Culture

News Niche:

Finance & Business:
Business Tips
Human Resources

What is the traffic you drive to your blog post.
Adsense has been a revenue model for many Internet Marketers and Bloggers. The best thing about Google Adsense is that they don’t have any website traffic requirement and accepts almost all the websites or blogs that abide by their TOS. Most Bloggers are not aware of this fact that you do not start making money if you have an Adsense account. You need website traffic and that too targeted quality traffic.

Adsense Revenue, How does it Work?
Adsense has both CPM and CPC based Google revenue model. Terminology we use on Adsense;
Cost Per Click – CPC –Varies anywhere between $0.01 to $1 (Max. goes up to $100 as well)
CPM – Cost per 1000 Impressions.
CTR = Number of ad clicks X 100 / Number of page views
If my blog has 10,000 page views per month and 700 AdSense ad clicks, then my CTR is 0.7%.
CTR = (800X 100) / 10000 = 0.7%
Most of the ads on Adsense are CPC based. (You are not allowed to click your own Ads, it will lead to a permanent Account Ban)That means you will get paid whenever a visitor clicks on your ads. There are few ads that are CPM based which means you will get paid even though a visitor does not click and just view the display ad, but these Adsense formats are less and most of the advertisers avoid these ad formats.

SEO and content optimization of your blog

Create 100% unique content
Focus On creating strong headlines - 60% of people only read your headlines and only 30% of those people will read the rest of your content.
Be accurate and make content actionable
Generate engaging and  provoking content
Write pointed and short content
Updates website or blog continuously
Focus keywords that you use at the title

Digital marketing efforts that you put in
To make money with Google Adsense on your blog or website, you need a lot of huge website traffic. I'm making $2 per 1000 viewers. To actually make money from Adsense you will need thousands of viewers.