Make Money With Your Facebook Video
In this article, you will learn how to make money from your Facebook video content through Facebook ad breaks
*What are Facebook Ad Breaks?
*Which Countries Are Qualified
Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia , Italy, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, and Mexico, New. India, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, The Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.
*What are Facebook Live Ads?
According to Mark Zuckerberg himself, Facebook advertised mid-size ads instead of pre-broadcast because the past did not fit the platform.
People weren't on Facebook, after all, to watch video content, they were there to submit feeds and see huge amounts of content. If Facebook content had video ads playing before the video, people would stop watching.
Mid-roll ads, however, have been calculated to be sufficiently committed to stick. (This, however
*Facebook Live Video Ads for Advertisers
Looking at the live streaming side, now is the time to take a closer look at Facebook Live video ads from the perspective of the advertiser.
In this section, we'll look at the pros and cons that come with live video ads, how to set them up, and the best ways to optimize your results.