How To Pick A Best Domain Or Web Hosting For a Blog

The entire process of getting your blog  website setup and ready should only take you about 20 to 25 minutes. After that your blog website will be online and ready for you to start  blog blogging!

Before you can start blog blogging there are you need to do two things :

  Best Domain  Or Web Hosting For a Blog

1. Pick a best domain name

The web domain name for this blog website is If you type that web domain name idress into an internet browser like google chrome, Mozilla, safari, and others   anywhere  in the world you will be sent to this site.

Good blog  website names are unique and descriptive, so your audience or visitor's  will immediately know what your website or your blog is about

Another option  is to simply for you use your own name. For example, I have registered You can also add your full name, middle name, cast, or middle initial if you find your name is already taken by other.

Many of the top high-quelity bloggers use their own name as their web domain name. This has the additional advantage of preventing somebody else from registering your name, allowing you to secure your “virtual real estate”..

If you need help finding a domain  name for your blog? contact me and I will help you personally for free without any charge.
Once you have some your blog name ideas you will need to select a web domain extension.

.com extension is the best gold standard, but .net extension and .org extension. work just as very well. I would suggest staying away from other extensions like .xyz or .us, as they are not as famous familiar to other most people.

Note: You cannot use any punctuation symble  other than dashes in internet web domain name.

A internet web host is a company that stores all of the data or files for your blog and delivers them to the your visitors or user when they type in your web domain name. You must have a internet web host in order to have a website or  blog.

Choosing a bad web host will doom your blog or website from the beginning. visitor's will be frustrated with slow speed page loading times and you may often find that your blog or website is simply not working at all users yikes!.

There are thousands of different internet web hosts you can choose or select from, but my recommendation for your website or  your blog is BlueHost In fact, BlueHost is the best web host i use for  my other one website. I have been so happy with BlueHost web hosting for many years now, and recommend them for all new blog bloggers

Because They offer a free and simple installation of all the popular blogger blogging tools including WordPress blog the one i recommend and showing you how to use in this guide Continue:

They  have been recommended by WordPress Software since 2005 and currently host over  up to 2 million blogs and other  websites.

They have helpful 24/7 customer service via internet web chat or phone call, messages,and via Email.

They have a good money back guarantee if  are you  unsatisfied for any of reason.

Use any BlueHost website link on this my website by first offer   to make sure you get the special BlueHost New Year’s Sale price offer of $3.95 per month in 2020.

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