How to Start A Blog in 2020 ?

If  your looking for a free easy step-by-step guide on how to start a blog 2020?

My free guide this page will show you ways to form a blogger blog that's  best beautiful and functional, beat an easy step-by-step tutorial (with pictures).

Start A Blog in 2020

  I have been building blogger blogs and websites since 2018. In that time I have launched several of my own Blogger  blogs, and helped hundreds of others people do the same.

I know that starting blogger  a blog can seem overwhelming and intimidating. This free guide is all about blogger blogging for beginners, and will teach you how to be a blogger with just the most basic computer skills. So whether you’re 9 or 99, you can create your own blog in less than 20 to 25 minutes.

start A Blog in 2020

I am not ashamed to admit that when I was first learning how to create a blog I made a ton of mistakes. You can benefit from more than a decade of my experience so that you don’t repeat these same and others  mistakes when you make your own blogger  blog. I created this free guide so that anyone can learn how to build  blog quickly and easily. And if you get stuck at any point, please send me a message on my contact us page and I will do my best to help you!

What is a blogger,  or blog, anyway?
In a short, a blogger  blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content, also known as blogger  blog posts. In popular culture we most often hear about news blogs or celebrity blogs and others blog sites, but as you’ll see in this guide, you can start a successful blogger blog on just about any topic imaginable.

Bloggers beginners, often write from a personal perspective that allows them to connect directly with their million of  readers. In addition, most blogger  blogs also have a “comments” section where readers can correspond with the blogger. Interacting with your readers in the comments section helps to further the connection between the blogger and the blog, reader.

This direct connection to the blogs reader is one of the main benefits of starting a blogger blog. This connection allows you to interact and share ideas knowledge with other like-minded people. It also allows you to create trust together with your blog readers. Having the trust and loyalty of your blogger blopgs readers also opens up the door to making money from your blog, which is something I discuss later in this guide.

Should You Start a blogger or word press blog?
One of the misconceptions about starting a blog website  is that you need to be a great Content writer to be successful. Nothing could be further from the truth. People read blogger blog websites to get a personal perspective on things, so most bloggers write content  in a very informal and conversational style.

In addition, you don’t need to be an expert on your blog topic in order to have a successful blog. For example, blog readers of a cooking blog don’t want to read a normal  textbook from a food scientist, they want to hear the experiences of someone who has actually cooked some real food  meals, mistakes and all.

To be successful as a blogger beginner  there is really just one requirement: a passion for your blog topic.

At its heart, blogger blog  blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Choosing a best  topic that you are passionate about makes the process of starting a successful blog so much easier. Writing about your blog more than (1 one)  topic is totally fine too. As long as you are writing about things that you are genuinely interested in, your passion will shine through and keep your blog readers interested in your topic.

So why would you go to the trouble of blogger blog blogging? There are a some few reasons.

Make money from a home.blogger Blogging can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The top blog bloggers within the world obviously earn quite bit, but even a neighborhood time blog bloggers can expect to form an honest and nice profit if things are done correctly. The good part about it is that blog blogging is a form of passive money income, since you can spend just a few hours a week writing a blogger blog post then still make money from it long after the blog post is written by bloggers. I go into far more detail on the way to blog for money later during this guide.

Share your good story. A blogger or blog allows you to have a voice and be heard. You can share your best story with the entire of world if you so choose. One of the most best  common ways blogs are used are as a diary where the blogger writes about their daily experiences so that family, friends,  and others pepole  can all be a part of their best  lives.

Recognition of  yourself or your best business. No, you probably won’t have paparazzi following you around because of your new latest best  blog post. But a successful blog makes your ideas into a reality, and can gain you a ton of recognition in your respective field. Many blog bloggers are known as experts just because of their blogs, and some have even gotten book and movie deals based on their blogs.

Find a best community. blogger Blogging at its heart is interactive. You write a nice blogger  blog post and people comment on it. This is a great way to connect with family, friends, people who are interested in the same things as you are. blogger Blogging allows you to teach these friends or  people based on your experience, and it gives you the opportunity to learn from your blog  readers as well.

The best and good news is that the internet is exploding with growth right now. More people than ever are online in the world . This explosion in growth means more potential blog readers for your blog. In short, if you're brooding about starting a blog then there's no more  better time than to create a blog  immediately .

How to Start a blogger or  Blog in 6 Steps
Learn how to create a blog in about 20 to 25  minutes following these steps
1.     .Pick a blog name. Choose something descriptive and the most different.
1.     .Get your blog online. Register your blog and get a best normal  hosting plan.
1.      Customize your blog. Choose a best theme free template and tweak it.
1.      Write  and create best content  & publish your first post. The fun part!
1.      Promote your blogger  or blog. Get more people to read your blogger  blog.
1.      Make money with blogger or blogging. Choose from several options to monetize your blog
Let’s start your blogger  blog!
Step 1: Pick a best blog name

The 1st  step to finding and search  a good blog name is choosing your topic.

If you’re not sure what to blog about, there are a few best ways to find and search a good blog topic:
Hobbies & passions. Hobbies or other interests you're enthusiastic to are a superb place to start out out . Cooking, travel, fashion, sports, and cars are all classically  examples. But even blogs about more obscure hobbies are often successful, since the your audience is literally anyone within the planet with the online .

Life style & experiences. Everyone has lessons they need learned through life style experience. Sharing this data and ideas are often incredibly helpful to others in similar situations. for instance , I recently helped a woman start her blog about being a fireman’s wife. She features tons of experience and knowledge to share with others about this subject , and it's helped her connect with others in similar situations.Think about the things you've got experienced in life. this might be related to your family (example: a blog about being a occupy home mom), work (a blog about experiences handling clients), or other life experiences (a blog about handling a troubling time sort of a disease or divorce, or a couple of happy time like preparing for a wedding or a birth of a child).

A personal blogger blog. A personal blogger blog is a blog all about yourself. This will include a spread of topics, from belongings you do on a day to day , to random thoughts and musings. This is an excellent thanks to share your thoughts with the planet without having to stay to only one topic.

Once you have a your topic it’s time to choose a your blog name.

A good blogger blog name should be descriptive and different so that potential  blog readers can instantly tell what your blogger blog is about just from the name.

If you are blogger blogging about one specific topic then you will definitely want to include that in some way in your blogger blog name. Try to not get hung-up on just only one word though. For example, a cooking blog doesn’t necessarily need to have the word (cooking) in it. The words  fresh foods, best recipes, and meals and more  topics about that  would also let people know that your blog is about cooking.

If you are planning to create a personal blogger  blog where you discuss a variety of topics then I recommend using your name on blog, or some variation of it, since your blog is all about you. For example, I own the blog You can also add your middle name or middle initial if you find your name is already taken by one others. Or you could use a variation like surajkudariblog,

You Can’t decide on a good blog name for your blog? click here to Contact me and I will help you personally (also for free)

Once you have some a blog name ideas you will need to choose a best domain extension.

A .com domain extension is that the most preferred, but .net or .org work also . It is also important to notice that for the needs of a blog domain you can't have any spaces between words. So best blogging tips, becomes

Now that you’ve got your blog name and have picked an best extension it’s time to make sure that no one else has already registered the same blog name:

Now go to the blogger and see if your blog name is available 

Note: you can't use any spaces, or punctuation aside from dashes during a domain name.

If Are you find that the name you wanted is already taken by one  there are a few things you can do:

Now you can Try a different domain name extension. If the .net version is already registered you may still be able to get the .com or .org version of your blog domian name.

Add some dashes between words. For example,

Step 2: Get your blogger blog online
Now that you’ve got a domain  name picked out it’s time to get your bloggere blog site online. This might sound very hard or technical, but the steps below will walk you right through and make the process easy.

To get your blog site up and running you need (2 tow) things: blog site hosting and blogger blogging software's. The good news is that these typically come with all in one packaged together.

A blog site host is a company that stores all of the files for your blogger blog site and delivers them to the direct  user when they type in your blog name or blog site idress. You must have a blog site  host in order to have a blogger  blog.

You are  also need to have the a software to build your website blog. In this guide I will be showing you how to create and build a blog using the WordPress blogging blog software, because it is the very most popular, customization and easiest way to use

The website blog host I recommend, and the one I show with  you how to use in this guideline  is BlueHost. I personally use BlueHost hosting and I recommend them for all new creator's  bloggers because.

They will register your blog website domain name for you for also free, making sure that name you choose  no one else can take it.

They offer a best free, simple installation of the WordPress blogging website software which i show you how to use this software.  (in this guide.)

They  have been recommended by WordPress Software since 2005 and currently host over  up to 2 million blogs and other  websites.

They have helpful 24/7 customer service via internet web chat or phone call, messages,and via Email.

They have a good money back guarantee if  are you  unsatisfied for any of reason.

Use any BlueHost website link on this my website by first offer   to make sure you get the special BlueHost New Year’s Sale price offer of $3.95 per month in 2020.

Disclosure: BlueHost compensates The Best Tips 143 when you purchase through this link, so my services are free of charge for you! In fact, if you have any trouble at all  setting up a blogger blog with this my tutorial, just send me a email on this my click here to contact me page and I will do it for you also free.

Select your best plan. i recommend that new wordpress bloggers get the basic plan. Click Select to choose your basic plan.

Type in your word press blog domain name in the left side box and then click next to start the registration process to continue.

If are you already own a best company domain name with best domain and you want to use it for your blog  type your best existing web domain in the right side box and then click Next. Only use the right box if you have already previously paid to register a web domain name!

4. Fill out your billing information or details on the registration page you see.

 You will also need to select or choose your best hosting package plan and options.

All packages plans have everything you need to get your blog website up and running, including a free web domain name easy WordPress blog site installation, web hosting and good  branded email accounts eg

The (36 month package plan) get you the lowest monthly price while the 12 month package plan has a very lower up-front of cost.

UN check the boxes and next go to the other products when I sign-up, or register You can always get these products during later if you decide you need to them.

You will then need to create a strong  password for your Bluehost  account

Once you do that you can choose a seo friendly basic  design, template, blogger theme, for your blog website you can very easily do that and change this later, as you will see.

your blog website software WordPress blog will be installed. 1nce the install is complete click Start Building to be longing-in to your  blog wordpress.

Now If the Start Building link does not working click go to your account. You will then be able to longing in to your blog by clicking on Log in to WordPress blog.

step 3. Customize your wordpress blog.
longing in bluehost

If you are does not already logged in, go to Bluehost website and click  sign in or Login on the top right to bring up the login page screen.  You can then login using your account domain name and the your password you set in the  previous step you create.  If you have misplaced or forget your password you can reset it by clicking on the Forgot Password on forget page  link.

Once you are sign in or login that or same things you will be taken to your Portal account.  From the portal you can click sign in  to WordPress free website creator's to be logged in automatically to on  your wordpress blog.

Now time to changing your blog design, theme, template, thats names called different but that things are same 

Once you sign in  you will be in the WordPress website administrator area. This is where you can make any changes anywhere you want to your wordpress blog.

Everyone has a different ideas of how they are want their blog website to  best beautiful look. One of the good things about a WordPress blog website is that you can change your entire layout, and theme, template, your blog look with just a few step by few clicks.

In the WordPress, blog webbsite layouts are known as template or theme. What is a blog design? Template or theme control the entire design of your blog website. To change your theme or template you are going to click on the  Appearance in tab as you see on the left menu.

You will see several themes are already installed on your website blog: (20, 17,)  ( 20, 16,)  These are well-designed, clean-looking themes or templates which will work for almost any sort of blog. In fact, many of the world’s top bloggers beginners use one among these templates, designs, themes.

Unless you have a very specific theme in your mind for your blog website, i suggest you use one of these template to start with. For our example, let’s use the “20,16” theme. In order to activate the template or theme on your blog, hover over the best theme and clicks the Activate button. That’s it! You have changed the entire design ,theme, template of your wordpress blog with just by one click.

If you don’t like any of the template theme design that are already installed you can easily choose from  thousands of other free template themes designs. To install a new design theme, click on the Appearance tab on the left menu and then click Add New Theme.

This is the theme design template search screen.  There are thousands of themes or templates designs to choose from a theme.  You can change your entire design at anytime as you like simply by activating a new theme design.  To find a template you like, I suggest you click on the Popular bar and start browsing. When you find one theme that you like click the blue Install button and continue.

Once the theme or design is installed click Activate to activate the design theme on your blog. To see your new template design in action, go to your websit or blog and take a best  look.

Changing your blog theme is the simplest way to customize your wordpress blog, but there are lots of others customization's you can do it. Check out my full blog post on customizing your blog websit for an in-depth step-to-step guide. You can also see all steps at the end of this guide to see full post completely customize a blog from post.

Step 4: How to write a blog post and best content & publish it now!

Now that your blog or website is up and running it’s time to actually do some best blogging,

Go to the left menu and click on post.

You will see there is a already a blog  post, there. This is a default blog post on every new WordPress blog site, and we don’t need it. To delete it click on Trash just under the post menu.

You are To begin writing a new blog post, click on the Add New and create new post.

You are now on the post editor  area. Enter the Title of your new blog post in the top box and then begin writing your new blog post in the lower box you see.

If you would like to add a image, pictures,  to your new blog post, click on the Add Image button and click Upload to upload a image from your laptop windows computer . You can make adjustments to the image size on the next step. When you are ready click Insert into your blog post to add the image now it's done.

Once you have finished written your blog new post just click the Publish button link on the top right side of the area to publish it good it's done.

Even after you have written a new best post your blog may still be showing a text like this Coming Soon  page.

When you are ready to make your website blog  public just click the BlueHost tab menu at the top left of the menu in your blog administrator area then click the blue link Launch button to remove the text as you seen (Coming Soon) page.

Good news! You now know how to start your own blogger blog website and publish content on blog.

Step 5: Promote your blog website.

Creating a well-designed blog post and writing good content is just the start. In order to get readers for your blog website you will need spend some time few houres promoting it, especially when you first start a blog.

One of  favorite ways to get readers to your blog is to your post links on your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter,Instagram linked in and pinterest. This is good and great, because not only do your friends or family see the link, but if your best friends or family member share the link with their friends and others it automatically multiplies your blog readers. If you have created high quality content on your blog post then social media is a good and great way for your blog website to go viral over the world.

In addition to getting new readers to your blog, website, you will also want to make sure your current same readers are coming back on your blog. This is where email marketing plays a big and best role. By collecting the email addresses of your blog visitors (with their permission of course, if you can then notify them when you a new post something new on your blog site. This keeps people coming back in to your blog website,  which not only gives you more visitors or readers over time, it also allows you to build a close relationship with your friends, family, readers, or visitors.

Step 6: Make money with blogging is a best way.
Once you have put in the effort of create a great blog content and promoting your blogging blog, making money with from own your blog is actually the easy part and easy way for you.

There are several of the ways you can make money with blogger blogging, from selling your own a products or other services, to getting paid to write reviews of your products on your blog. But the easiest way to make money with blogging, from your blog is to sell a best advertising space.

Once you have a popular website or blog, Advertisers will make every effort to advertise to you. The best way to make advantage of this situation is to use Google Adsense.advertise They find the advertisers for you and all you have to do is place the Google Adsense ads, codes on your blog to start running Google Adsense  ads. Google Adsense takes all of the hard work out of the process and just cuts you a check the check o for you my dear.