Start Youtube Channel with Mobile phone

So I'm gonna guide you on how you can start a YouTube channel with just your mobile so stay tuned.
1.Hard work
3.Skill on the relevant topics
4.Equipments to record videos
Now its time to see how to start youtube channel with just mobile phone.
Without further ado let's jump into today's blog!
Whatever you are good at just start. You know just go ahead and start putting up videos let it be all crap too don't bother you just start doing videos.
3.Skill on the relevant topics
4.Equipments to record videos
Now its time to see how to start youtube channel with just mobile phone.
Without further ado let's jump into today's blog!
So let's just say that you have a normal mobile.So my phone is not like any iPhone or whatever because I'm not a huge iphone fan and if you guys just have a normal phone and let's say your camera pixel is like I don't know like 20 MP or maybe like 16 MP or whatever so you can still make this work.
So first let's talk about the niche that you want to get into. You can just get into any niche that you want.Let's say that you are passionate about something let's say that you are good at cooking you can start doing video on cooking recipes.NO VIEWS ? DONT WORRY :
So in the beginning guys when you put up videos you might be thinking like no one's watching me so that is a good thing you know, because you might be a little bit nervous and you don't want like a lot of people watching you so that's a good thing that like there's no enough audience like because they might tell you like your video is not good and that might bring your confidence down.
Whatever you are good at just start. You know just go ahead and start putting up videos let it be all crap too don't bother you just start doing videos.
So let's say that you have chosen a niche and let's say that you are like a motivational speaker or whatever so you're good at like advising people or giving counseling to people so you can just like use your phone and what you can do is that when you are like putting up YouTube videos you want to keep it like horizontally because the YouTube videos and all that is like in a horizontal format like it can be like 1080p or whatever so you can just record it in horizontal way so that's how you do it.You can just open up your phone camera just hold it horizontally. make sure the place where you're sitting is like really quiet.
Make sure the place where you're sitting is like really quiet.You don't want to be going into a noisy place so when I do my recording I just close up all the windows I just closed up everything because I'm in crowded area you know, so it is noisy and there's all this construction work going on outside.There's no noise here now because I love to close the windows and I put up curtains .
I closed up everything so there's no noise coming in.So if you are recording using your mobile it might even capture like other noises there's no like real clarity with your mobile and so you need to keep your room like really silent there shouldn't be any noise.
You can even buy a microphone or something for a very cheap price so I recommend to use a mic called boya.That's pretty cheap everyone can buy
For lighting as a beginner ,like when you're starting out what I would recommend is sit next to the window just open up the curtain so that the natural light comes in.Try to record videos during the daytime because there's natural light so you can just sit in front of the window and you can record them.
Because lighting and all that are a bit expensive so in the beginning you don't even need to expend a lot of money.
I wouldn't recommend that because when you are like starting out you do want to be investing a lot of money and like wasting your money on that.
Because you want to like focus on the content, you want to focus on what kind of videos you are putting up and that is the most important thing don't spend on unnecessary things maybe a small mic will do in the beginning and for lighting and all that maybe I'll just look around and see if I need like cheap lighting which are out there on Amazon you can even check it out.
The audio has to be good and also lighting too needs to be good so if you have like natural light that's well and good if not try to use lighting which is like really cheap.
So with regards to editing many apps are there like Premiere pro and Kine master there's iMovie maker ,so you can just download all those apps on your phone and you can start editing your videos.Those apps comes with a free version and also a paid version.There are also other free software's out there but when you are downloading it and when you are like exporting the video it lasts you to buy the premium and also like when you download it it'll have a big watermark and that which is something that you dont want because when you are like uploading to YouTube, you don't want to be having a ugly looking watermark.You want to make it look like it's your video.
I recommend you to spend your money on an editing software than spending on lighting and a huge mic.
YouTube is a really great way to make money online guys you can start a career with YouTube because there are lots of possibilities you can earn money like through Adsense you can make money through affiliate marketing you can sell your own product.Don't think that I only have a mobile and I can't do YouTube videos.
Don't stop with that guy's. Dream higher even if you just have your phone just start with that.To make money this is the best way to do.