How To Add Youtube Subscriber Quickly Naturally

Add Youtube Subscriber Quickly 

The YouTube subscriber is very important because they will see your video later when you upload the video. Without subscribers, you are nothing but just a beginner YouTuber.
To disappear the title of
"Beginner YouTuber", you must apply this to the development of your channel. Here are the things you should pay attention to in developing your channel.

1. Video quality

Is your video quality? Do you know what the quality of the youtube video is? The quality of the video referred to here is the image, audio, and video content that you created. Do not let the images, audio, video contents are not useful and not entertaining at all.
Look again at the pictures, audio, and contents of your video so that your audience feels at home and finally they subscribe to your channel.
This is also useful for your video, because maybe because your video is interesting and useful, then they will share your video which in the end your video has a lot of viewers. So, pay attention again to those three things.

2. Helpful and Entertaining Content

If your channel content is made to entertain others then entertain them as much as possible. If your content is created to tell others about new things and useful information, then make the content interesting.
People watch youtube and spend their quota to watch things that are useful and interesting. Not for the spectacle that is not clear where the purpose is.
If your video is entertaining or useful then your video viewers will not hesitate to subscribe to your channel. So make your channel content entertaining or useful.

3. Relevant Content

You must make the content clear for what your channel is made. It is highly not recommended that you create mixed content, because that will greatly slow down the development of your channel.
If you want to make gaming content, make all the videos about gaming. If you want to make fishing content, then make all the videos about fishing.
Don't make your channel messy and don't know where the channel will go. So make your YouTube channel content relevant.
This is also useful for those of you who want to be monetized, because YouTube's current rules are strict and not as easy as they used to be.
Relevant content will make your channel easy to be accepted into YouTube partner programs.

4. Content Many Interested

If you make cooking content, then your average subscriber is someone who likes to cook. Here I suggest that you create content that has a lot of requests, so far there is a lot of content that I have summarized for content that has a lot of requests.
Content such as prank, gaming, parody, and review now are very much in demand. You can choose one of the 4 recommendations that you like in the process of making the video.
If you don't like the 4 recommended content that I recommended earlier, you can choose your own content that you like.
But I want to let you know that the content that is warm is the content that will be fast in its development in getting subscriber.
5 Videos to Youtube Routinely
If you want to be fast in developing your channel and get lots of subscribers, then you have to upload videos regularly to YouTube. Because you can't rely on just one or two videos.
You can set your upload schedule on a regular basis, for example three times a week, twice a week, or you want to upload every day it's up to you.
The important thing is your video is quality and worth watching a lot of people.
That's the way to get your YouTube channel to quickly get subscribers naturally. Hopefully the article is useful. If you like articles from Masaufi, you can follow this blog by clicking on Follow Blog.

1000+ subscriber in One Day

This trick has got millions of subscribers for free, if you also want to subscribe for free, then you have to read this post carefully as I tell you to follow it, after that you will see 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. It will be fulfilled and your heart will be happy seeing this, people will be thinking how soon you get a subscriber, then you will also tell everyone that I have a Rick was adopted because of which found so subscribers me free.

Follow these steps

So friends, to get a free subscriber, you have to download the application in your phone, you will have to like people's videos in the application, you will get some points and if you subscribe to other channels in this application then you will get more points and the same You are going to get a lot of followers and likes from the point. Let me tell you that this application works 10 1% once you try. If you know yourself whether the application works or not, I am speaking with a guarantee that the application will bring a lot of free followers to your channel and you will not believe that your channel will have very good growth. How did I grow so fast
YouTube, that's why people who start YouTube They do not get growth as quickly but in this post, I will tell you how you can get 1000 subscribers in 3 days.

1. Make a video with a long duration

This method is very effective because with you make a long duration, then you get more minutes than making a video with a short duration.

You can make videos with a length of ten to fifteen minutes, so that your video channel can quickly get 4000 hours of broadcast.
But there are obstacles in this section, usually the viewer will only watch three to seven minutes. Maybe because the viewer already knows how the video ends. Well, here you are required to use your creativity deeper. This relates to the second tip.

2. Lock the attention of the viewer

Lock the attention of the viewer so that your video continues to watch from beginning to end. You have to bring an interesting video material with an interesting nature too, so that viewers keep watching your video until the end.

Try to lock your audience's attention by interacting with the audience. Example: "If there are additions from you please comment below", "have you ever done it?". That is an example of how to interact with the viewer.

The way you interact must be connected to the contents of your video. Do not let you ask the viewer with questions that are weightless and not important. So here you have to lock the viewer's attention as best you can.

3. Keep the final part of the video a secret

This applies to you who have content that is like storytelling. But this can also be practiced on any channel content. Keep the end of the video a secret, so the audience will be curious to watch your video until the end.

Here I will note, that for the tips this time you also have to lock the attention of the audience, so that viewers do not immediately watch the video to the end. So keep the end of your video a secret and don't guess the end of your video.

4. An interesting content with a fairly long duration

Interesting content with a long enough duration will indeed greatly affect your showtimes. Because of course interesting content will be watched from beginning to end.

Interesting content here is content that is like entertainment or information content with an interesting nature. So, make interesting content.

5. Routinely upload videos

There are many benefits from routine video uploads, in addition to increasing channel showtimes, this will also affect your channel quality. Your YouTube channel will increase in rank if you continue to upload videos with good quality.

You can schedule video uploads as much as you can. Can you upload videos three times a week, twice a week, or even every day of the week? It depends on the time you can spend. So if you want to achieve 4000 hours of broadcasting, then you have to regularly upload videos.

6. Recommend other videos

If you've ever watched someone's YouTube video and he recommends other videos in that video, then that is his way to get more airtime. Because more and more videos are watched. Then more airtime can be obtained.

If you don't know what I mean at this number, let me know again. What is meant is other video recommendations that usually appear above the right and there is an "i" sign there.

7. Make a playlist

This is great for increasing your channel's showtimes, because by creating a playlist, someone who looks at your channel will open everything about your channel. From about, playlists and about channels.

When he opens the playlist and sees an interesting playlist title, he will click on the playlist and continue the video. If your video is good, then he will watch the video until it runs out.

For more details, I'll give an example.
Suppose you create a channel around an Android game recommendation, then a viewer who likes racing games comes to your channel and opens a playlist that you have created. Then he will open a playlist with the title, for example: "racing game on android".

It really benefits your channel to get 4000 hours of watch time fast.

That is my tips for getting 4000 airtime quickly. Hopefully this article is useful. And if you like my blog then continue to follow this blog. Because this blog will continue to provide useful information for the readers.