10 Easy steps to get more Youtube Subcribers

Do you guys Know after google, Youtube has become world's second largest Search Engine? Yes, you read it right Youtube is the world's second largest search engine where users search about their queries and get video results.

Shubham Digital Marketing
 Youtube is also known as a Digital Platform which has given a lot of artists a valuable identity in this world. In recent years Youtube has created a lot of Youtuber's who earns by sharing their video content on Youtube and the best part is it is free to use and anyone can create their own channel on Youtube to share their interesting content. 

In this post, you will be learning-:     How to increase your subscribers on Youtube. So let's get started.

                10 Steps to get more Youtube subscribers on your Youtube channel

1. Know your Niche

There are thousands of people who are creating Youtube channel everyday but only a few get success in youtube because they are stick to their Niche. Niche is actually a technical term to be used for a specfic topic. So if you have created a Youtube channel, you must know what you will be posting about or what will you be creating content on? to share on Youtube.
Your Niche can be anything, like if you are good at Dancing you can create your own content on dance and start sharing on Youtube or you can also start your online classes on Youtube by recording your videos and share it on your Youtube channel.

2. Know your Audience

Before creating a channel you should know your audience who will be watching your videos or your content. Be audience specific, think about the people whom are creating content for? like: If you want Dancers to watch your video then be more specific with that. Before you create any content do a bit research on Youtube what kind of content do people like more?

3. Don't forget to create trailers for your channel

While posting your videos on Youtube you should always remember to create a short trailer for the people who are not the subscribers of your channel. Keep your trailer short,interesting and informative so that it can engage with your viewers.

4. Use keywords in your title

  Don't forget to use keywords in your title. Your title should be engaging and attractive to your viewers which should contain your keyword in the first 45 characters because your viewers can see only 45 characters of your title.

5. Thumbnails

Thumbnails play an exciting role in creating engagement with your viewers. Thumbnails are like a short clip of your video which creates engagement with the viewers and get people to watch your video. So, you should always be more creative on your thumbnails. These short clips can get you a lot of watches on your videos.

6. Watermark

 You should never underestimate watermarks. Watermarks are your identities which will help you creating a bond with your viewers and help them in remembering you for a long period of time. Youtube allows you to add a branding watermark to your videos.

7. Youtube Analytics

Use Youtube's free analytics tool to know the stats of your Youtube channel stats which will help you in analyzing the Taste of your subscribers and viewers so that you can create changes in your videos according to them and take your channel to the next level.
Youtube analytics will help you in recognizing the taste of your viewers like which video has got more watch time? or Which video has the shortest watch time, is your Intro is too long or your video is too long? so that you can take essential steps to solve all these problems.

8. Consistency

 "Hard work and consistency is the key to success". Working really hard but still not getting any results can break your expectations but always remember "Rome was not built in a day". So stay focused and create content consistently no matter how long it take believe me you will get success, Youtube needs time and patience your channel will grow slowly and steadily. There is a lot of competition in Youtube nowadays so keep trying hard in giving your best. Keep creating quality content and post on a regular basis.

9. Paid Promotions

 You can do paid promotions for your channel and run ads through Youtube campaign for your Youtube channel to make it more visible on Youtube timeline and get viewers and watches.
* Ask other Youtuber's to promote your channel
* Create videos with some other grown Youtuber's

10. Ask your viewers to subscribe and like

Do not hesitate to ask your viewers to subscribe your channel and hit the like button at the thumbnail of the video and at the end of the video. You need to tell your viewers what you need them to do. Invite your viewers and subscribers to subscribe your channel so that they won't miss any of your upcoming videos.