How to make money on Youtube in 2020

Best Place make money on Youtube in 2020

You may start posting on Social Media as a personal blog or hobby where you start sharing your creativity in the digital world. 

Increase Youtube Subscribers

Increase Youtube Subscribers

Once you explore the online and social media universe, you are open to a world of opportunities and possibilities to earn more money. 

Best Places to Buy Youtube Subscribers in 2020

Youtube is the right platform to explore your possibilities of monetizing on your creative and skillful talent. 
  • 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube, every day. 
  • An average person spends more than 40 minutes per session on Youtube mobile.
  • 87% of online marketers use video content in their digital marketing campaigns.
People usually start making youtube videos and posting content as a side hustle.  
Anyone who has any skills, expertise or a personalized niche to engage an online audience with digital content can be a Youtuber. 
Some people who post videos on Youtube and earn substantially are – 
  • Digital Creators
  • Travel and Food Vloggers
  • Lifestyle & Fashion Bloggers 
  • Beauty and Makeup Influencers 
  • Movie Reviewers
  • Tech and Gaming Experts
  • Artists and Educationists 
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can strategically make money on Youtube starting Today!
  1. Start Your Own Youtube Channel

  • Find your Niche 
Any personalized talent, skill, gift, knowledge or expertise on music, art, academics, tech, entertainment, comedy, science, gaming, lifestyle, beauty, food, and travel can be considered worth making video content on Youtube. 

  • Create Regular Content 
-The key to success on any profession or skill is to be consistent and constant. 
-Post twice or thrice a week.
- Use Youtube Playlist to categorize your content 

  • Add Watermark 
-This helps in keeping your content copyrighted 
-It helps in engaging attention to make viewers click on the subscribe button.

  • Create Intro and Outro
  • Taglines and Intros gives a personal and interactive experience
  • Outro gives you the opportunity to prompt the viewer to watch another video or announce important news related to your content. 

  1. Master Youtube SEO 
  • Use Google Keyword Planner 
- It is always important to be relevant and Search Engine Optimization helps you with it. 
- Google is the parent company of Youtube, if your content is highlighted on Google you will automatically have a higher online presence.

  • Emphasize on Titles and Detailed Descriptions
  • Keeping your Title as per Keyword research shows your video on priority
  • A detailed description of your video gives an overview and maintain 
  • Use Tags 

  • Use Youtube analytics 
  • Youtube analytics gives you the best insight and prediction on how to grow your youtube channel strategically. 

  1. Sponsored videos
  • Partner with Brands 
-Small business and upcoming brands are always looking for cost-effective marketing, while it may be small budget or marketing for them it can mean good money for you. 
  • Keep it Real
  • If you’re offered brand sponsorship for marketing products or services let your subscribers know. 

  1. Get PR Packages for free!
  • Create How to – Videos, Reviews and Tutorials
  • Let viewers know your personal opinion and individuality in these videos as this creates trust and makes content relatable. 
  • This way products and services you talk about will approach you for sponsored content. 

  • Educate based on Experience 
  • If you have a certain experience or certified expertise on a subject or topic, sharing that knowledge with viewers will help you gain target audience. 
  • Interact on comments section with subscribers to genuinely receive higher engagement.

  • Review and Test 
  • Product Testing and reviewing even as a newbie and not an expert helps gain followers
  • Honest and real opinions create more trust and higher engagement.
  1. Earn with YouTube partnership program 

Now, after successfully achieving the 4,000 hour-threshold and winning your place as a YouTube partner, we can now talk about the money.

  • Eligibility
-You’ll need to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours in a period of 12 months on your Youtube channel.
-When you apply, you’ll go through a standard review process to check if your channel meets our policies and guidelines. Only channels that meet them will be accepted into the program.

  • Adsense 
-Adsense gives you the opportunity to make money by allowing ads related to your content to show up when viewers watch your videos. 
- When a viewer does not ‘Skip Ad’ and watches the video as per YPP (Youtube Partnership Program) you get a percentage of money as an income. 
- All you have to do is make sure you have only one Adsense account and connect it to your Youtube Account.

  1. Make money through Collaborations on YouTube 
  • Barter Collaboration
-As a beginner, this is the first type of collaboration most brands offer you. 
- You’ll be given free products and asked to make a review or product test video
- Since it is not sponsored it will give you the freedom to express yourself honestly and genuinely for good engagement. 

  • Cross Collaborations
-Find Youtube Creators and Influencers cross-genre or similar interests.
- Make sure their content and interest is compatible with your content.
-Find Brand Sponsorship together on a project. 
- Make a series or a video where you can engage and create interest in each other’s channels.

  • Cameo Collaborations
  • Help an upcoming creator with their channel and make a cameo appearance. 
  • Create multiple promotions or chain of videos to increase your YouTube presence. 

  1. Selling and Marketing Your Own Merchandising on Youtube 
You can easily collaborate or affiliate with brands and sell your own products
 –It helps in marketing and monetizing your channel
  • Art – Doodle, Sketch, Illustrations
  • Motto – A catch Phrase or Quote 
  •  Channel name – Trademark and create products 

Youtubers and Influencers, commonly use the following products while selling merchandise.  
  • Bags
  • T-Shirts
  • Caps
  • Jewelry 
  • Mugs 
  • Notebooks
  • Badges 

  1. Earn more on Youtube by Channel Membership
Youtube Channel Membership 
  • Eligibility - 
  • Features – You can customize your channel membership,
  • Flexibility 

  1. Become an Affiliate and Earn more on Youtube
  • As an influencer or content creator, you will be often approached for brand collaboration and sponsorships.
  • Affiliate marketing is where you get a percentage of the sales converted by your marketing as a commission. 
  • The best part of being an affiliate and not an ambassador you can always get an increase on payment and affiliate many products at the same time. 

  • Create and Maintain a Blog
-Maintain cross-platform engagement by blogging on different websites to increase your web traffic and create affiliate content and write about it. 

  • Amazon Influencer 
  • Amazon offers an Influencer program to anyone with a decent number of followers where you review products and earn money

  1. Giveaways and Contests 
You must have commonly heard the word giveaway a lot on social media platforms.
  • Giveaways or contests are a two-way processes where you ask viewers and subscribers to follow simple rules and at the end of the game announce one winner who wins or is a lucky winner. 
  • You can choose to give-away a product or service or create a contest  to promote your own channel 
  • -You can conduct a giveaway for any brand or business and be paid for it. 
Congratulations on completing the step-by-step guide on how to make money on YouTube in 2020! 

Make sure you follow these steps and you’re most assuredly going to break the bank in 2020. 
If you want to know more, on how to gain subscribers and ways to earn money on Youtube, Contact us today!