SEO Expert | Learn here how to be a good Optimizer

SEO Expart
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Introduction : - SEO expert is the person who specializes in search engine optimism At first we have to know what is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is called SEO, It’s a task to get ranking for a website. The person who successfully performs this task is called SEO Expert.

SEO Expert Essential Attributes

To Get Expertise in Search Engine Optimization you should be expertise the following topics:
For On-Page Optimization:
  • Good knowledge of Rule and Regulation about Search engine
  • Choosing a Niche.
  • Find chose Keyword
  • Create A Unique and useful Title
  • Finding a unique and relevant picture for Topic and Content
  • Finding relevant and useful video for content.
  • Good knowledge about image optimization
  • Get knowledge about Permalink
  • About Meta Description
  • About Meta Key Word
  • Being a person with Cold brain
  • Get depth in Content
  • Must have foresight
  • Knowledge about successfully choosing Domain Hosting and their utilities.
  • How to Put it successfully an “online, open-source website creation tool”
For Off-page optimization:
  • Learn to create about Backlink
  • Other related SEO

SEO Expert Essential Attributes in more details : -

Keyword Selection:- 

I think the best policy of optimization is the "White Hat” policy. It is a policy that helps a website to get a rank and maintain its rank for a long time. This policy is fully legal and is fully compliant with Google's rules and guidelines. So As an SEO Expert, you must having Cold Brain with good Observation Power. And you have also hedge practical knowledge about People and human behavior. 

For Example when you did SEO job then the most important job KEYWORD RESEARCH. Keyword research finds an accurate keyword for this web site. There are so many forms and types of keywords out of which you have to find it successfully. If you did the job successfully you think you did 50% of the job that is the difference between Website and rank dropped by 50%. So the importance of proper keywords is clear. 

So the importance of proper keywords is clear. When you did a keyword research job then you have guess interest in what word or phrase of word helps to find that website. If I'm saying it in a clearer sense, it is that what word or phrase of word people may enter in the search box to find that particular web site. It’s the case of complete assumption about people's thinking. Now come back to the previous words. Quality of good Optimizer must be having huge practical knowledge about People and human helps and Shows the right way to find a solid and accurate keyword.

When you did a keyword research job then you have guess interest in what word or phrase of word helps to find that website. If I'm saying it in a clearer sense, it is that what word or phrase of word people may enter in the search box to find that particular web site. It’s the case of complete assumption about people's thinking. A good optimizer Also it cheeked again and again. Though various tools have arrived in the market. But they did not give the same result.

For example, suppose you have to find the monthly search value of keyword SEO Consultant in India. At First, you take a free tool for searching these, you get the value and save it, next want to compare it another tool but you became surprised when you see the value is not same, so you go to another free tool for clear your doubt but again you surprised value is another. You saw three results give from three tools. if you go to paid tools then the result is the same.

Did you tell me what is the reason that? I think the reason is the all result are mixed with their research & Idea. Because the actual result will change every second. So it not possible to get an accurate result. However, here’s the same story IDEA or Guess. So as an expert at last after researching all works you have to take decisions by using some tools and overall you’re IDEA. Here the conclusion has become a Seo Expert you must have Decision-making skills.

Now come back to the previous words. Quality of good Optimizer must be having huge practical knowledge about People and human helps and Shows the right way to find a solid and accurate keyword. A website needs many keywords to rank up this site. As an SEO Separatist, you have taken the correct decision on how to match and what keyword needs for this website for rank up successfully. To become the Best SEO, you just need to have an experience.

On page optimizing you have to choose the Correct Title for your Content. In this case, at first, you have to know about the instruction of the search engine. Another side you have to guess about people's choices. So Firstly you get knowledge as well as instruction and rules about search engines so you must have expertise in search engine Rules and Regulation. If you want to do this job successfully then you have to pest the total rule and instruction in your mind.

Title is the most important part of SEO. Because it helps to upgrade ranking and increased Search volume. So as a Best SEO Consultant You must check whether a viewer wants to see the title or to know what is next. Reason for forcefulness that you can increase the search volume of your website. You also go ahead one step for getting rank. So it didn’t choose the correct title for this content, you will not benefited. It is the most important to get valuable and eye-catching title.

For example: - when you go to optimize a title than on the one hand you have to remember about no character and pixel, again, on the other hand, you have to remember about its meaning and accuracy of the content. This does not end you have to predict what title should create interest in the public mind. Which one they might like. Also, you have to find the value of the title, you have become sure about last decision period. You have decide not only the right one but the best one. 

So as a professional search engine optimizer, you have to see your Knowledge efficiency and depth. About Rules and Instruction of Search Engine. You have to see your Observation Power that makes it easy to accumulate the total matters. You have to see your Decision making power from your previous Experience chose the right thing by which you get help for ranking up to your website. So that All I can say is that you must be a cold minded man for successfully did this job.

An image optimization part you have to select a Unique and most relevant image or images.
Here you can choose some videos if necessary. It also to be most relevant. So it’s necessary to know about image size, image quality, and their properties. When you placed it on your site you have to do it carefully about the value of content. Because a solid picture or video can increase the value of content. So an image can take an important role in SEO. Being an SEO expert it’s essential to get knowledge about image optimization.

One more thing about SEO that is Meta description. A Meta description is a short description of the topic. Meta description shows in search Engine Result help to get ideas about the topic to a viewer. Meta Description also helps to increase search volume on a web site. So it is a factor to get rank. So it is the most important subject for search engine optimization. Become an SEO Consultant you have to create a short mete description about this may not exceed 150 words am explain with an example of why Meta description is important to get rank below.

First of all, a viewer entered a keyword for searching for any things for their certain requirement. And he get a Search engine result page. Here he saw 10 results of searching. Now, how he decides on which page he gets results. At first, he saw all eye-catching title, then he take his eyes for a few seconds to compare his demand in a Meta description. After that, he decides he entered the site or not. So it is useful about Meta description. A good and interning Description can increase Search Volume Directly.

Content is the most useful part of a website As Dedicated SEO you have to enter the most relevant content about your niche or topic. It should be more eye-catching. And reliable. Here you didn’t put any wrong information. I do so then you downgrade your position. Good content helps an optimizer to upgrade the position of a website. Content must be unique. Piracy can downgrade your position. A good contain With Eye-catching Title may increase monthly search volume which is so necessary to get ranking. A good content is created based on certain conditions. Below I have discussed some of these terms.

As an SEO Specialist, You have to be careful about relevancy. To see if it is on the topic, the viewer gets the correct information. The first two benefits he will come back to this site and increase the search volume which also SEO friendly. Search Engine will be happy because you give prominent Information about your title which says former and Search engine result page. It's said rules that you have to give the most prominent and reliable information for that a viewer will be happy. If to do so then search engine fell happy with you and get a chance to won the rank.

A Search engine wants from a web site accumulated information that not less than 2000 words and not more than 3000. If you want to give more information that is more than 3000 words you can do it. No problem but it should better if you kept it from 2000 words to 3000 words. A content so The better it is, the content should an updated and Relevant Information is. So that’s good to say As an SEO Planer you should be kept in your mind about which discuss this paragraph above. So the Importance of Good Content is clear.

So as an SEO Expert You should have the ability to write good Content first of you have to know about rules for good SEO. You have to maintain it at the time of writing content. Here remember able thing you don’t copy any content from others .because it is a great offense for SEO. Your content must be informative, relevant and updated. That called all in one. If you able to write that type of content then you hope to get a rank upgrade. If you able Past relevant a picture or video then it should be more good content.

From the above discussion it can be said that to become an SEO Advisor, he has get knowledge about various matters. And I think it not possible because a person can never know everything. But if you do not know upper discussion you will not be a good optimizer. So the internet can help you a lot. If you have the ability or power about searching the internet. In this case, the better you are about web research, the better you can do the SEO job. Because you get more information better from others. It is said that an optimizer is as efficient as he is in web search

There is more work as a professional SEO. Like back link, WordPress setting .etc. You have to see the overall matter about a web site. You have to find from your knowledge of SEO rules and previous experience the week point of the web site that makes loser that site and find the remedy of those. And you have to repair those errors with your confidence.

You should also be careful about web design. You should have a specific opinion as to whether it has been SEO friendly or not. If he is also friendly it is ok if it is not good then what can be done or advice from a web designer? However, it seems that the discussion is getting bigger, so I will briefly conclude with the above discussion

Conclusion: An SEO Expert is a person who, by his skill and special ability, can successfully replicate a website by removing the previous error of a website. And in doing so, he must have sufficient updated knowledge of the rules and regulations of the website and search engine.

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